Also, Twitter hates Republicans who run for governor in California:
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom is on the suggested user list and has 1.2 million followers. His likely opponent for the Democratic nomination, Attorney General Jerry Brown, has 960,000 followers even though he is not a declared candidate and has posted the fewest tweets of all the gubernatorial hopefuls.
None of the three Republican candidates is on the list, and all have fewer than 5,000 followers.
Hey, here’s a thought: Those people are lower not on the list because they have fewer followers. Oh, wait:
Twitter co-founder Biz Stone said in a March posting on his blog that he and a handful of other company employees make the final choice about who will be featured, a list that has grown to about 500 people.
Ha, Newsom has no excuse for losing now. (That is so not fair.)