- photo: ideal BART passenger. http://bit.ly/5apyz3 #
- photo: Name That Spot. http://bit.ly/7lJcqI #
- Alcatraz: fighting the wind to change the flag (video). http://bit.ly/6BLipp #
- video: crazy surfing footage from today's storm. http://bit.ly/6PC79z #
- memo to my favorite falafel spot: eat at the taqueria next door now and then to learn how to wrap a sandwich in foil reliably! #
- awesome: guy in wheelchair clinging to the back of a streetcar. http://bit.ly/75Rkyc #
- filthiest spot in San Francisco? http://bit.ly/5D4zWt via @calibersf @troy #
- freakin' amazing long-lost images of Pearl Harbor attack taken by a sailor. http://bit.ly/6UZKzx via @calibersf #pearlharbor #
- wow. those "69-yr-old Pearl Harbor pics" that were "just discovered"? serious HOAX from 2006! http://bit.ly/8uYL2o #